Human Resources Policies

Our company regards the human resources policies as very important policies that requires innovations and developments in the long term, and continues to increase its innovation and development efforts day by day.

HR department carries out many activities such as career development and planning, training, orientation, new tasks assignment and definitions. HR strategies are focused more on this area since the number of trained employees in our sector in terms of both production staff and branch staff is limited. We provide an initial training and orientation program for our newly recruits also development, training and studies continue steadily for our ongoing employees.

Our company views all of our employees as internal customers and understands their importance and place of them in all our future projects thus acts and plans accordingly. Serious infrastructural work continues, especially in terms of career planning and performance follow-up. Since our company is a pioneer in the sector, it is aware of its duty in terms of being a school and innovations in many subjects and directs its works with this awareness.

Social Responsibility Policies
We strive for the development of our society within the framework of corporate social responsibility principle. We support our employees in volunteering for appropriate social activities that they will take part in with social responsibility awareness.

Consumer Rights Policies
Tahatakale Spot places the protection of consumer rights among its top priority rules. In this regard all kinds of problems arising from products and services the customers experience during the shopping are meticulously evaluated and resolved as soon as possible.

Human Rights Policies
Respecting human rights is a core value at Tahtakale Spot and is integrated into the way we conduct our business. Investing in ethical practices while delivering financial results is a responsibility that Tahtakale Spot takes seriously.

Environmental Policies
As Tahtakale Spot, we are aware of our responsibility to the environment, to protect the environment from the possible effects of our products and services, to create programs for this purpose, to establish an environmental management system by setting goals and objectives, to continuously improve our environmental performance, to comply with the relevant legislation and to use our resources without disturbing the natural balances and polluting.
Collecting and disposing of wastes in appropriate ways and reducing wastes, collecting, disposing and recycling hazardous wastes appropriately, decreasing energy and water consumptions, Developing environmental awareness are all parts of our environmental policy.

Culture and Art Policies
Tahtakale Spot is also closely interested in the sociocultural structure of the people it serves.  We support the cultural and artistic events taking place in our region, organizing cultural events such as meetings, seminars, symposiums, theater and concerts.

Life standard Policies
We are Providing a work environment where employees develop their skills, use their talents and potentials at the optimal level, information sharing and dialogue are encouraged, performance and contribution to the success of the organization are evaluated, and equal opportunity is ensured.
Fulfilling the requirements of the responsibility arising from its commercial activities; to achieve world standards in social and ethical terms. While applying these standards, complying with national and international laws, working in cooperation with the authorities when necessary, being in effective communication with the society, showing respect to human rights everywhere.
Country and Community Interest Policies  
Tahtakale Spot establishes relationships with its customers in the strength of family bonding. Whilst providing services, we take into account about social interests and socio-economic balances. We prioritizes the interests of our country, and do not take part in any attitude that would harm national unity and integrity.

Ethic Policies   
Monitoring whether the employees act in accordance with ethical principles, subjecting the employees of the institution to determined sanctions who do not to comply with the Ethical Principles, Awarding prices in order to encourage the formation of an ethical culture, Organizing training activities to repair the problems encountered at every stage of the work to ensure the establishment of the ethical culture.